When we started this venture over a year ago we were not sure if it would be successful. There was a lot of things we needed to learn, many training sessions and safety briefings later we can tell you that we are here to stay. Today we were informed that we have been approved for working capital and are currently searching for a facility in eastern North Carolina with some help from our economic development partners. With this news we wanted to update our customers, fans, friends and associates so you know what we are up to in the off season.
In order to continue doing what we want to do we need to build a facility so we are currently working on locating the right property in a location in which the locals support our overall mission.
Lots of Building
In the off season we have lots of time. During this off season we will be building more racks, 3D printing some unique special effects devices for our own use and putting together a couple hundred more smaller racks.

If you remember last year we built quite a few of our smaller racks after we lucked into a ton of HDPE at a good price (a donation). This year we are about to build twice the number of smaller racks that we built last year so that we can do more smaller shows which is what we specialize in. While we like the larger 4th of July shows, it's logistically easier for us to do 2 or 3 smaller shows and achieve the same overall objectives so with that being said you can look for 40 more consumer racks out of in the next several weeks.
Special Effects Gigs
In the downtime we have also been looking for more special effects work. We have been working with several organizations that specialize in work for the big screen. Even though much of the special effects work in Hollywood is moving to CGI, there is still a large market for safe, affordable and practical special effects work. We will probably be going to meet up with some of our new found friends on the West coast at some point.
Shows are coming and we are pretty happy about it
We were worried that once the rush of the season was over that we would not have many shows but that hasn't been the case. In fact our work has been pretty steady and we anticipate more off season work as well as the opportunity to bid on work that we are starting to uncover. It is a fact that people love fireworks regardless of the time of year.
We have several shows coming up that we look forward to and as always we will post video's and event pictures. Below are some of our recent events! Again thank you all for your continued support.

Well that's all for the updates for now. We are excited to be looking for a suitable facility location. We will be out at some fireworks events this fall and look forward to seeing you all at some of the open shoots.