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Laser shows being added in 2020

Over the last year we have been driven to add innovative experiences for our outdoor displays. Over the last few weeks we have been quietly working to add certified laser displays to our outdoor pyrotechnics displays. In October we successfully tested LED lighting and have now started working on getting variances and procedures in place to add outdoor contained laser display hardware and software to ensure that our systems won’t shoot radiation into the air (which would cause issues with the FAA).

Speaking of the FAA, several of our display operators are FAA pilots (single engine and UAS) is the FAA is something we know a little something about.

Obtaining variances and putting out notices to airmen will still be required but utilizing dead man kill switches and synchronized emitters will allow us to add this new and exciting medium, lasers and LED wash lighting to our displays.

We will have video up soon! Happy New Year!

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